Their presence on the menu makes us feel satisfied after a meal, and compensates for low blood sugar. The desire to improve your mood by ingesting sugar can also be a factor. Sweet snacks increase our production of the so-called hormone of happiness. Your habits also play an important role.

Torte me molle | Apple cake | Apfelkuchen | Torta Di Mele

Petulla Amerikane | Donuts

Rulo me biskota dhe cokollate | Roll with biscuits and chocolate | Rotolo con biscotti e cioccolato


Recel Luleshtrydhe | Strawberry jam | Marmellata Di Fragole | Erdbeermarmelade

Torte Ferrero Rocher | Ferrero Rocher Cake

Cheese Cake

Kek me qershi | Cake with cherry | Kuchen mit Kirsche | Torta alle ciliegie