Since soups are mostly liquid, they’re a great way to stay hydrated and full. They give your immune system a boost. Soups can help you stave off cold and flu, and they’re a great antidote for times when you are sick, too! Most soups are loaded with disease-fighting nutrients.
Supe kremoze me perime
Embelsire me kungull te verdhe | Pumpkin Dessert
Recel kajsie dhe qershie
Pancake me Boronicë & Banane | Pancake with Blueberry & Banana
Supe me kerpudha | Mushroom soup
Recel Luleshtrydhe | Strawberry jam | Marmellata Di Fragole | Erdbeermarmelade
Smoothie ananas molle luleshtrydhe | Pineapple apple strawberry | Frullato d'ananas mela fragola